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of L'viv Polytechnic National University

"Problems of Ukrainian Terminology"

№ 765

Kharchuk L. Terminological word combinations in Ukrainian power engineering terminology // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2013. – # 765.


The article are presented in the authors' edition

Lіlіya Kharchuk

L'viv Polytechnic National University





© Kharchuk L., 2013


Статтю присвячено вивченню структурної організації термінологічних словосполучень української електроенергетичної термінології, виявленню найпродуктивніших моделей термінів-словосполучень. Особливу увагу звернено на моделі складених електроенергетичних термінів, проаналізовано дво- і трикомпонентні терміни-словосполучення.

Ключові слова: українська мова, електроенергетична термінологія, терміни-словосполучення, двокомпонентний термін, трикомпонентний термін, структурна модель.


The article is devoted to the study of the structural organization of term phrases in Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology and the identification of the most productive term phrase models. Particular attention is paid to the models of compound electric power engineering terms, with two-and three-term phrases having been analyzed.

Keywords: Ukrainian language, electric power engineering terminology, compound term phrase, two-and three-term phrase, structural model.


Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology is unified, however the system of terminological units is not yet properly investigated. In the study of the electric power engineering terminological system, a comprehensive analysis of the features of the formation of electric power engineering terms as well as that of the terminology development processes in electric power engineering as targeted at revealing certain regularities is acquiring particular importance. It is directly related to the issue of ordering the corresponding terminological subsystem, with its further enrichment and normalization.

To replenish the lexical composition of Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology all the Ukrainian language word derivation resources are used. As rightly pointed by T. I. Pan’ko, IMKochan, and H. PMatsiuk in the book “Ukrainian Terminology”, “to create a new word a variety of language means can be used, and selection of the optimal nomination method is complex, it is defined by objective and subjective aspects, and external and internal factors”[6, p. 160–161]. One of the most productive ways of updating terminology is an analytical method based on the development of compound nominations, with these being terminological compounds. The tendency to increase the above word derivation method is explained by the need to constantly specify many concepts as science is developed due to terminological word combinations characterized by a high degree of mobility of syntactic patterns and the ability to express scientific concepts more accurately [1, p. 130].

It should be noted that the creation of terms is one of the most important issues of the Ukrainian terminology science. It is known that most of the terms of any branch of knowledge are shaped as word combinations. This method of term formation goes beyond the common way of derivation, and this is why in the scientific literature it is called differently: analytical, syntactic, compound names, etc.

The issue of the theoretical fundamentals of the functioning of specific compounds is considered in the works by M. Hodovana, A. Dyakov, K. Kyyak, S. Koudelko, and N. Pastorma. Accordingly, L. Kozak analysed the above word building method in the electrotechnical terminology; Z. Kunch considered terminological word combinations within the analytical derivation method in Ukrainian rhetorical terminology [1]; N. Nikulina investigated terminological word combinations in the terminological system of motor industry and repair of motor vehicles [3]; and I. Protsyk worked up terminological word combinations of Ukrainian physical terminology [7]. The features of terminological word combinations functioning in modern Ukrainian archaeological science are considered in the work by S. Lokaychuk [13]. Almost every researcher of terminological systems distinguishes such a method of terminological formation.

The purpose of the article is to explore the features of the word formation structure of electric power engineering terms and to consider and describe their formation in the electric power engineering terminological system.

Terminological word combinations of the electric power engineering terminology have not yet been the subject of a separate study. The relevance of the article is caused by the fact that the terminological word combinations of this terminological system are analyzed and systematized for the first time.

The most common names of processes, phenomena and objects in the electric power engineering branch are selected as the object of the study.

There is an ongoing interaction between the common lexis and the terminology. Terminological word combinations are formed under the syntactic laws of the Ukrainian literary language. The formation of multicomponent terms, their transition from primary to wordy units occurs in stages and, accordingly, is followed by the syntactic pattern restructuring and complication. Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology tends to create multicomponent terminological word combinations. They convey the internal correlation of the electric power engineering branch concepts. Depending upon the number of components electric power engineering terminological word combinations are split up into the three structural types, which are the two-, the three-, and the multicomponent ones.

According to the part of speech expression of components and their location the two-component terminological word combinations can be structurally divided into the following variations:

1. Terminological word combinations formed following the adjective + noun pattern. This pattern is split up into: а) terminological word combinations where the noun has both the general use and the terminological meanings, but the adjective is an electric power engineering term. These are words like: магістральна лінія / trunk-line, електричне коло / electric circuit, електрична панель / electrical panel, електрична машина / electric machine, ланцюгова схема / chain scheme, вольт-амперна характеристика / current-voltage characteristic, штепсельна вилка / plug, катодний захист / cathodic protection, напівпровідниковий блок / semiconductor unit, номінальний режим / nominal mode, електроенергетична система / power system, термічна стійкість / thermal stability, багатофазний пристрій / multiphase device, etc. While undergoing compression, some terminological word combinations of this pattern form abbreviation terms. They do not change the original meaning of the term and are very comfortable in the area of professional communication, e. g., ЕСенергетична система / power system, ЕПС електропостачальна система / electricity supply system, ЕЕСелектроенергетична система / power system, РПрозподільний пункт / distribution point, КЛкабельна лінія / cable line, etc.; bcompound terms, in which the noun is a term the exponent of the gender electric power engineering concept, the adjective – a general lexis word, e.g.: шляховий вимикач / position switch, багатоелементний ізолятор / multiple-insulator, активна потужність / active power, хвильовий опір / wave resistance, закрита (відкрита) підстанція / closed (open) substation, ідеальний діод / ideal diode, зовнішня ізоляція / external insulation, силовий трансформатор / power transformer, сухий трансформатор / dry transformer, теплова електростанція / thermal power plant, горішковий ізолятор / nut insulator, паперовий конденсатор / paper capacitor, взаємна (власна) індуктивність / mutual (own) inductance, брудостійкий ізолятор / contamination-resistant insulator, віддалений заземлювач / remote earthing, ударна іонізація / impact ionization, холодний катод / cold cathode; cterms-word combinations, where both components are of terminological character, e.g.: заземлювальний електрод / earthing electrode, генераторний вимикач / generator circuit breaker, амплітудний дискримінатор / amplitude discriminator, вакуумний вимикач / vacuum switch, електричний (шиноз’єднувальний, трансформаторний) вимикач / electric (bus, transformer) switch, індуктивний шунт / inductive shunt, трансформаторна підстанція / transformer substation, etc. On having analyzed terminological word combinations denoting various kinds of electric power stations (power plants), we found that they were formed following the “adjective + noun” pattern where the adjective specifies the type, structure and purpose of the concept as expressed by the term-noun of електростанція / electric power station: атомна / nuclear, вітрова / wind, газотурбінна / gas turbine, геотермальна / geothermal, гідроакумулювальна / pumped storage, дизельна / diesel, магнітогідродинамічна / magnetohydrodynamical, парогазова / steam-gas, паротурбінна / steam turbine, припливна / plenum, сонячна / solar, теплова / thermal, теплофікаційна / heating, хвильова / wave, etc. Without exception all the above terminological word combinations form abbreviation terms (АЕС nuclear power plant, ГАЕСpumped storage plant, ТЕСthermal power plant, etc.). The use of abbreviations in Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology promotes compactness and integrity of terms.

2. Terminological word combinations formed following the noun + noun” pattern. It is split up into: а) word combinations, where the base component is expressed by the noun in the nominative singular, and dependent words by nouns in the genitive singular: імпульс напруги / voltage pulse, арматура ізолятора / insulating fittings, блок живлення / power supply unit, тіло ізолятора / insulator body, вимірювання струму / current measurement, перетворювач частоти / frequency converter, перемикач полярності / polarity switch, перенапруга конденсатора / capacitor over-voltage, обмотка збудження / excitation winding, сила струму / amperage, струм джерела (зміщення, провідності, ізолятора, пропускання, спливу) / source current (offset, conductivity, insulator, transmission, expiry), схема заміщення / equivalent circuit, напруга джерела (електропостачання) / source voltage (power supply), корпус конденсатора / capacitor body, джерело струму / current source, вимикач навантаження / load switch, вигнутість ізолятора / insulator curvature, величина відгалуження / branch value, etc.; or plural: гірлянда ізоляторів / string, зсув фаз / phase shifting, чергування фаз / phase rotation, цикл операцій / cycle of operations, вирівнювання потенціалів / potential equalization; b) the modification of this type is a two-syllable pattern, prepositions complicated в (у), відносно, для, за, зі, із, на, через, e. g.: вимикач із запобіжником / switch-fuse, замикання на землю / ground fault, генератор зі самозбудженням / self-excited generator, генератор на опорах / generator bearings, модуляція за швидкістю / speed modulation, напруга відносно землі / voltage to earth, прилад із наводкою / device with open sights, пристрій для перемикання / switching device, несправність через опір / failure due to resistance, обмотка з відгалуженням / winding with a branch, перенапруга в системі / overvoltage in the system, підстанція на відгалуженні / substation on the branch, пошкодження на шинах / damage to bus, попит на електроенергію / demand for electricity, струм на землю / current to ground. In such phrases the base component is expressed by the noun in the nominative case, and dependent words by nouns in oblique cases in singular or plural; c) except for common names the noun + noun” construction can also include proper names, for example, e.g., Ohm's Law, Lorentz force, and Poynting vector. It is determined that in the word combinations formed according to the “noun + noun” pattern a noun in the nominative case conveys the base word semantic load.

3. The verb + noun structure is of low productivity in Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology: неподана енергія / unfiled energy (electricity portion that a power system did not file over time due to the abnormal mode or some regimes alike); заземлювати обладнання (систему) / to ground equipment (system) (to provide necessary electrical connections to support the potential of a system point or particular equipment for it to be closer to the earth potential).

In the process of functioning, terminological word combinations are often converted from the gender-aspect name into the gender one in relation to other concepts. This causes the formation of compound word combinations. Therefore, three-component terminological word combinations constitute a considerable number of electric power engineering terms. In the electric power engineering terminology among the patterns of three-component compound names, there are units with successive subordination (баланс потужності енергосистеми / the balance of power grid, показник неперервності електропостачання / indicator of continuity of power supply) and those with parallel co-subordination (багатофазне джерело напруги / multiphase voltage source, електрична міцність ізоляції / dielectric strength).

Between the structural organization and the morphological expression of elements of three-component terminological word combinations various combinations are possible. A large number of word combinations were formed due to the combining of two-component terms with the denoted word following the below patterns:

1. The conjunction of a noun with a noun combination (level government) of noun + (noun + noun). In such terms elements are combined by sequential subordination: визначання місця пошкодження / fault location, джерело гармонік напруги / the source of voltage harmonics, дефіцит потужності енергосистеми / shortage of power grid, максимум / мінімум навантаження енергосистеми / maximum/minimum power system load, область стійкості енергосистеми / power system stability area. In the word combinations which are formed following the pattern, the second and third elements are used as separate terms (місце пошкодження / the fault, затискачі схеми / scheme clamps, навантаження енергосистеми / grid load), and the first element indicates the features of the concepts denoted by them. Sometimes this pattern is the preposition complicated: coefficient of earth-fault, fault line in electric power supply, and voltage drop in the line.

2. The conjunction of a noun with an attributive word combination of “noun + (adjective + noun). A number of terminological word combinations were formed following this pattern: абонент енергопостачальної організації / power supply company consumer, вивід комутаційного апарата / switching device output, вимкнення контактного апарата / pin device shutdown, відгалуження зниженої (повної) потужності / reduced (full) power branch, габарит контактної мережі/рейки / dimension of the contact network/rack, джерело електрорушійної сили / source of electromotive force, несправність електроенергетичної системи / failure of an electric power system, перетворювач електричної енергії / converter of electrical energy. Terminological word combinations of this pattern which are prepositions complicated are of low productivity: обладнання з індивідуальними контакторами / equipment with individual contactors, підстанція з дистанційним керуванням/з обслуговуючим персоналом/з черговим персоналом / substation with remote control/with support staff/with regular staff, робота в ізолювальних рукавичках / working in insulating gloves, робота з ізолювальною штангою / working with an insulating rod. The nominations of this type обмотка нижчої напруги / low voltage winding, обмотка середньої напруги / secondary voltage winding, обмотка вищої напруги / high voltage winding create a thematic set and partially get reduced due to the abbreviation of the pattern second component to form a two-component noun + abbreviationterm: обмотка НН / LV winding, обмотка СН/ SV winding, and обмотка ВН/ HV winding.

3. The conjunction of an adjective with a noun word combination of “adjective + (noun + noun). This pattern is the basis for the following terms: аварійне перемикання напруги /  voltage failover, автоматичне послаблення поля / automatic field weakening, базисний режим електростанції / basic power mode, випробовувальна напруга конденсатора / test voltage of the capacitor, вислідна стійкість енергосистеми / resultant stability of the power system, вхідні затискачі схеми / input terminals of the circuit, динамічна стійкість енергосистеми / dynamic stability of the power system, електричний перетворювач сигналів / electrical signal converter, електричний опір ізоляції / insulation resistance, etc. An adjective standing in preposition in such terminological word combinations conveys a semantically narrower aspect feature and specifies the concept expressed by a two-component word combination.

Terminological word combinations електричний струм перенесення / transfer electric current, електричний струм поляризації / electric polarization current, електричний струм провідності / electric current of conduction; власні потреби електростанції, власні потреби підстанції / power station own needs, substation own needs create thematic sets of aspect notions with respect to the gender notion expressed by the two-component word combination of the noun + nountype.

4. The conjunction of an adjective with an attributive word combination of the “adjective (participle) + (adjective + noun)” type. Following the pattern such terms, e.g., were formed: активна електрична енергія / active electrical energy, активне електричне коло / active electrical circuit, акумуляторна електрична тяга / rechargeable electric traction, безвихрове електричне поле / irrotational electric field, блискавковий захисний розрядник / lightning surge protection, повітряний заземлювальний провід / overhead wire grounding, відсічений блискавковий імпульс / truncated lightning impulse, граничний відчутний струм / significant current limit, допоміжне тягове обладнання / auxiliary traction equipment, еквівалентна електрична схема / equivalent electrical circuit, складнозамкнена електрична мережа / well closed electrical network, синусоїдний електричний струм / sinusoidal electric current, статичне електричне реле / static electric relay, стаціонарне електричне поле / stationary electric field, стрижньовий опорний/підвісний ізолятор / rod bearing/suspension insulator, etc. As a part of these terms adjectives are complementary and concretize the concept expressed by a noun.

The analysis of Ukrainian electrical power engineering terminology indicates that there are also four-, five-, six-, seven-, and other multicomponent terminological word combinations available. The two- and three-component word combinations serve as the basis for these. This is due to the intent on most accurate, detailed nomination of scientific concepts. We find the analysis of multicomponent (four-, five-, six-, and seven component) terms from the point of view of their structural organization and pattern formation to be a promising area of ​​studying terminological word combinations in electric power engineering. This may be the subject of further research.

Thus, the analysis of Ukrainian electric power engineering word combinations shows that the syntactic method of terminology development takes an important place among other mehtods of creating terms and organizes a specific area of the electric power engineering terminology. Due to the intensive development of the industry the sublanguage of electric power engineering is actively updated with two- and multicomponent terminological units to denote new concepts and to improve or refine the existing ones. Compound electric power engineering terms are syntactic constructions formed of two or more words of full meaning on the basis of subordinate connection. It is found that only in a few multicomponent terminological word combinations nouns can be also combined by coordinate connection.

The two- and three component analytical nominations prevail in the electric power engineering system. The terminological word combinations are characterized by clear motivation, semantic integrity, and accurate reflection of the content denoted in the term. The presence of compound terminological units is due primarily to the intent to most accurately capture the concept essence. The formation of multicomponent terminological word combinations is accompanied by the syntactic pattern restructuring and complication. The disadvantage of using multicomponent terms in electric power engineering is eliminated by abbreviations.

To facilitate professional communication significant part of multicomponent terminological word combinations are used as full or partial abbreviations. In the scientific literature, we find some of the terms in three versions - the full name, abbreviation and partly revealed abbreviation: вузлова розподільна підстанція / nodal distribution substation, ВРП / GRP, вузлова розподільна ПС / nodal distribution substation; об’єднана електроенергетична система / integrated power system, ОЕЕС / OEES, об’єднана ЕЕС / integrated UES. Some nominations also incorporate the fourth form, which is a complex abbreviated word: теплова електрична станція / thermal power plant, ТЕС / thermal power plant, теплова ЕС / thermal power plant, теплоелектростанція / thermal power plant.

Quantitatively, the “adjective + noun” and the “noun + noun” patterns constitute the largest share among the two-component terminological combinations of the electric power engineering terminology. Among the terminological combinations with three or more components the noun + noun + noun” and the “adjective (participle) + noun + adjective + noun” patterns are identified as the most productive.

We consider the concept nomination by means of terminological word combinations one of the major ways of modern terminological word formation in the area of the electric power engineering terminological system.


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