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of L'viv Polytechnic National University

"Problems of Ukrainian Terminology"

№ 765

Mykulchyk R. Antonymy of Ukrainian physics terms-eponims // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2013. – # 765.


The article are presented in the authors' edition

Roman Mykulchyk

Technical Committee for Scientific and Technical Terminology Standardization

L'viv Polytechnic National University




© Mykulchyk R., 2013


Стаття продовжує низку публікацій автора, присвячених вивченню прізвищевих та відпрізвищеих термінів української фізичної термінології. У ній розглянуто питання антонімії фізичних термінів-антронімів та їх різновиди.

Ключові слова: українська мова, семантика, антонімія, антонім, антропонім, фізична термінологія.


The article continues the series of the author’s publications devoted to studying of Ukrainian physics terminology antroponyms. It deals with the problem of antonymy of antroponymic physical terms and its variances.

Keywords: ukrainian language, semantics, antonymy, antonym, antroponym, physical terminology.


Antonymy is one of the paradigmatic relations between words based on their opposite meanings. It is inherent for all natural languages. Scientists argue that in terminology antonymy is even more developed than in the general language. They also note that firstly, terminological antonyms have not significant differency from the identical phenomenon in terms of general vocabulary, secondly, antonyms in termunology are even more peculiar than in common language.

Such Ukrainian linguists as B. P. Mykhailyshyn, LMPolyuha, I. V. Volkova, IIKozlovets, Z. B. Koudelko, T. V. Mikhailova, T. I. Panko, MRProtsyk, LOSymonenko, OAYuzhakova and other researches put the role and place of antonymy in separate branches of science. However, there are no studies of antonymy in physical terminology, except of our previous paper [3]. In mentioned paper were considered the antonymy in physical terminology, namely among terms with family components, revealed antonymic pairs of physical terms with family components and found out common and distinguish features of antonymy in common language and terminology.

O. O. Taranenko distinguishes the following classes of antonyms: a) in semantic aspect, b) in the formal and structural aspects and c) in common language [7, p. 27]. For semantic feature he identifies gradual, complementary, vector and coordinate antonyms, for a formal structure – words with the same and different roots, for stylistic – the common and contextual.

Let us analyze antonymy of physical terms-anthroponyms for this classification. Note that the division antonyms by stylistic feature does not apply to the terminology. So in this article we consider the division of anthroponomical physical terms-antonyms by semantic feature.

By semantic feature, as mentioned above, antonyms are divided by type opposed to gradual, complementary, vector and coordinate ones.

Gradual antonyms express qualitative logical opposition and show gradual (stepwise) opposition, pointing to different degrees of feature manifestation. Such antonyms are not typical for physical terms-anthroponyms.

Complementary antonyms express additionality (complementarity). Complementary opposition is implemented in this class of words. Complementary antonyms represent two complementary species concepts that together make up some generic concept, without intermediaries, such as: дебаївський радіус екранування – обернений дебаївський радіус екранування; радіус Дебая – обернений радіус Дебая; закон Ома для ділянки кола – закон Ома для повного кола; стаціонарне рівняння Шрединґера – нестаціонарне рівняння Шрединґера, фермі-газ – бозе-газ; ферміон бозон; фермі-частинка бозе-частинка; багатобозонна системабагатоферміонна система; статистика Фермі-Дірака статистика Бозе-Айнштайна; де Бройлева довжина хвиль де Бройлева частота; рівняння Ньютона рівняння Максвела etc.

The opposition of the described concepts can be seen clearly. Phrases antonyms дебаївський радіус екранування – обернений дебаївський радіус екранування; радіус Дебая – обернений радіус Дебая forms terminological synonymous-antonymous terminological association. This is such a type of terminological association, in which each of antonymous terms has synonyms (радіус Дебая дебаївський радіус etc.). Стаціонарне рівняння Шрединґераit s equation that determines the wave function of a quantum system in a state that does not change with time. Term нестаціонарне рівняння Шрединґера describes the wave function of a quantum system in a state that changes over time. As in the previous case antonymy is expressed by common word (стаціонарний нестаціонарний). Antonymous pair is formed by adding the prefix не- to term element стаціонарний.

Examples of antonymous pairs дебаївський радіус екранування – обернений дебаївський радіус екранування; радіус Дебая – обернений радіус Дебая shows that the antonymy of one of the components of compound term results in antonymy of a whole term.

Antonyms закон Ома для ділянки кола закон Ома для повного кола describs the electric circuit on the basis of 'completeness-incompleteness (feature of complete circuit consider the presence of a current source).

Terminological antonymic slot of terms with components Bose and Fermi belong to the terminology of elementary particles. These antonymic relationships are not apparent to linguists, they are hidden. To see them you need insight into the physical meaning of terms under consideration. The key to understand here is antonymy of terms ферміон (фермі-частинка) and бозон (бозе-частинка). Ферміон is a particle or quasi-particle with half-integer spin, бозон is a particle or quasi-particle with integer spin. This terminological antonymic slot consists of antonymous-synonymous terminological associations [7], that every term in antonymous pairs have synonym, for example: фермі-газ, газ Фермі – бозе-газ, газ Бозе.

Antonymy of terms рівняння Ньютона рівняння Максвела is implicit, hidden. In fact, term рівняння Ньютона describes the motion with speeds much lower than the speed of light, and рівняння Максвела is valid only for speeds close to the speed of light.

Except the cases, where both members of a antonymic pair contain terms with family component there is antonymy between terms, only one of which is eponymous for example, механіка Ньютона – релятивістська механіка. Antonymy here is also not obvious, hidden. Note that term механіка Ньютона or класична механіка considers only the motion at a rate much lower than the speed of light, and релятивістська механіка deals with the motion at speeds close to the speed of light. Note that term механіка Ньютона have a synonym класична механіка, i. e. in this case also we can talk about antonymous-synonymous association.

Let us analyze the cases where antonymy seems obvious at the lexical level, but at the conceptual level does not exist. For example, a linguist clearly recognizes antonymous pair рівняння Бернуллі – нерівність Бернуллі. In fact, рівняння Бернуллі is a hydrodynamic equations that defines the relationship between flow rate, pressure and height of a point in an ideal fluid. The term нерівність Бернуллі refers to mathematical physics and has nothing to do with the hydrodynamics. Even family component relates to two different people. Daniel Bernoulli derived an equation and the inequality was derived by Jakob Bernoulli.

From all the above mentioned, we can conclude that among anthroponomical terms there are three types of antonyms: lexical, semantic and lexical-semantic. By lexical antonyms will enroll terms that reflect a lexical contrast and there is no common meaning, for example: рівняння Бернуллі нерівність Бернуллі. Semantic antonyms denoting concepts are opposite in meaning. But these concepts do not contain lexical opposites, for example: рівняння Ньютона – рівняння Максвела, фермі-газ – бозе-газ, ферміон – бозон etc. We can see antonymous-synonymous associations between semantic antonyms. Lexical-semantic antonyms expressing lexical and semantic contrast simultaneously, for example: : закон Ома для ділянки кола закон Ома для повного кола. The semantic antonyms are most, the lexical antonyms are least common in physics terminology.

In the result, antonymous relations among Ukrainian physical terms with family components indicate that antonymy is typical not only for common lexical items, but also for terminology, particularly for issued one. In the physical terminology antonymy is represented by such conceptual-semantic relations: contradictory, complementary, vector and coordinate. Among physical terms with family components only the first two types of connections are widespread. Between the physical terms with family components exist hidden antonymic connections that appear not on lexical, but on semantic level. Marker of antonymous relations in this case is a term component. During the analysis we find terms, which look like antonyms, but in fact they relate to various phenomena, fields of science, even people. There are partial homonymous expression ratios last components are homonyms, while the general components are antonyms.

So, antonymy is quite common in physical terminology. This terminology has a hidden antonyms, based on semantic level rather than lexical, and lexical -antonymy based on homonymy of scientists names. All this shows the importance of the role played by this phenomenon in physical terminology.


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