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of L'viv Polytechnic National University

"Problems of Ukrainian Terminology"

№ 842

Mentynska I., Nakonechna H. Structural and word formation peculiarities of modern computer terminology //  Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.


Iryna Mentynska

Halyna Nakonechna

L'viv Polytechnic National University


Structural and word formation peculiarities of modern computer terminology


© Mentynska I. B., Nakonechna H. V., 2016


The article deals with the structural and derivational features of the modern computer terminology. The most productive ways of making computer terminological units are singled out, and specificity of derivative processes of professional vocabulary is described. Certain regularities of creating modern computer terms creating are found out; the trends in further development of studied terminology were detected that helps to identify the ways of normalization of its units.

Keywords: Ukrainian language, modern computer terminology, affixes, suffixation, zero affixation, prefixes-and-suffixes way of word formation, stems compiling, composite terms, derivation.


The goal of the article is to describe the main structural models of modern computer terminology (MCT) at current stage, to follow the specifics of derivational processes among one-word terms and to determine the level of their productivity in the investigated terminological system, to study out regularities and tendencies of creation of terminological units in modern computer terminology. Among one word terminological units we distinguish: a) terminological units with root and inflection structure; b) terms with affixed derivation; c) derivatives composite terms.

The most common way in MCT traditionally is suffixal. The main suffixal models and the most active terminological elements of MCT are: noun stem + suffixes: -ник:, комп’ютерник; -іст: програміст, логіст. Verb stem + suffixes: -аці(я)/-за-ці(я):апроксимація, верифікація;-анн(я), -енн(я), -янн(я): поглинання, архівування;-ач: повторювач, перетворювач, накопичувач: -ор: курсор, процесор, монітор. Adjective stem + suffixes: -істьказуальність, контрастність, мобільність;-ов- – та -н- інтернетовий та інтернетний, шаблоновий and шаблонний.

Prefixal way of creation in MCT is less productive than suffixal one. We observe the following main prefixal models: Proper Ukrainian prefixes: ви- + verb stem: видрукувати, вирівняти; за- + verb stem: заблокувати, зареєструвати; пере- + verb stem: перезапустити, перезаписати; під + noun stem: підрядок. Models with foreign language prefixes: - анти- + noun stem: антивірус, де- + noun stem: деінсталяція, дис- + noun stem: диспозиція, ін- + noun stem: інваріант, ре- + noun stem: реконфігурація, супер- + noun/ adjective stem: суперконвеєрний, суперклас; Prefixoids or prepositive foreign language elements take part in creation of terms of MCT quite actively. In computer terminology 35% of the terms are formed according to the scheme prefixoid + terminological unit.

The most widespread prefixoid models or term composites in MCT are:

Makro… the first part of compound words (from Greek µаκρoς - long, big) in the structure of the composite actualises two meanings: “big”, “long”. Group of derivatives is represented by those terminological units : макрокоманда, макромодель, макропакет..

Mega... the first part of compound words (from Greek megas- huge) is equivalent to "million", "great", "huge". In MCT it is used with measurement units: мегабайт, мегабіт.

Web... a part of compound words (from English web) that indicates the relevance of compound terms to web technologies: веб-майстер, веб-портал;

Nano... the first part of compound words (from Greek nannos - pigmy) in the names of measurement units means billions of times smaller than the units specified in the second part: нанокомпютер, нанолітографічний.

Except terms with foreign language prepositive components, composite terms are formed by compounding: 1) terms formed by combination of different part of speech stems (uncomplicated / complicated by suffix or prefix) using interfix: дисковід машинописний, криптопроцес; 2) Terms formed without interfix or with zero connecting element: внутрішньосхемний (adverb + adjective), чотиридротовий (numeral + adjective).

Juxtaposits formed by combination of equal components are represented by such models as: 1) combination of lexemes of foreign origin: програміст-аналітик, буфер-текст, вектор-функція; 2) combination of lexemes of foreign origin with proper Ukrainian one: вектор-рядок, флеш-пам’ять; 3) combination of foreign language element (with zero suffix) with partially adapted foreign language terms: сервлет-контейнер, скан-код; 4)involving acronyms as attributive prepositive elements: SIM-карта, HTML-код;

Prefixal and suffixal method in the formation of new computer terms has no high productivity. We distinguish the following main models.

· Formation of terminological units expressed by verbal forms. Above all these are terms of general science within MCT: prefix від + noun stem suffix + suffix уват/-юват: відлагоджувати; prefix від + adjective stem + suffixes –и -ти: відновити, відгалужувати; prefixt від + noun stem+ suffix –юва: випромінювати;

· Formation of terminological units expressed by adjectives: prefix між + noun stem + suffix : міжпрограмний, міжмодульний, міжсегментний; Prefix по +noun stem +suffix -ов: покроковий; Prefix під +noun stem +suffix- -ов: підрядковий; Prefix без- +noun stem + suffix -ов: безпрограмовий, бездисковий, бездротовий. Prefix без- +noun stem + suffix : безконтактний, безпровідний.

Conclusion. Analysis of MCT at structural and word forming levels showed that the most productive are suffixal morphemes: -аці(я)/-за-ці(я);-анн(я), -енн(я), -янн(я). The powerful tools of the creation of new terms are prepositive terminological units of foreign origin. In creation of new terminological lexemes notable are tendencies aimed to strengthen autochthonous word forming variants and to form national priorities at word forming exploration of borrowings.


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