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of L'viv Polytechnic National University

"Problems of Ukrainian Terminology"

¹ 842

Syvokin G., Maryanko J., Cartel T., Zaitseva O. Epistemic modality in scientific and popular discourse about teaching of learning material //  Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.


Hanna Syvokin, Yanina Maryanko, Tatyana Kartel

The Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture


Epistemic modality in the scientific and popular discourse concerning the use of learning materials


© Syvokin H. V., Maryanko Ya. H., Kartel T. M., Zaytseva Î. Yu., 2016


The subject of this research is epistemic modality in the scientific and popular discourse as the part of speech information and evaluation of teachers or students that form the structure of the language in different languages, using various means of expression, confidence, doubt and certainty of the truth of incomplete information. These means are determinative or cognitive markers of the subject of speech – teacher or student. Subjective-modal functions of language in lectures and practical teaching learning material reflected in the fact that in the specific ways can be transmitted the attitude of the speaker to the content of expression, which includes a wide range of the personal evaluations that express gradation desirability of convention, order, obligation.

Keywords: Ukrainian language, modality, subjective valuation, discourse, scientific and popular discourse, text, communication, term.


The term "discourse" is widely used in modern linguistics. Representatives of western schools mainly based on category of epistemic modality. A landmark feature of this approach is the analysis of functional features of discourse. Authors of Ukrainian scientific papers understand the term “discourse” as different sides of epistemic modality both as logical and emotional character.

One of the most important characteristics of discourse is the fact that it is used in the social continuum. Discourse has two forms; it is a product that displays the time of appearance of speech. Unlike text discourse has a spontaneous character, its own structure and unique patterns of operation in the communication process.

So, we determine that the "discourse" is a comprehensive implementation of the text together with extralinguistic features of some updating text.

Information about new scientific knowledge is a component of scientific popular discourse. As a scientific component contains many discourses, it can be seen as inter discourse. The main objectives of the popular discourse are communicating with the addressee and charging the planned impact on the audience.

Scientific and popular discourse needs much more author’s “I” than it is expressed in the academic style. One of the most accurate manifestations of this particular model is a combination of a verb with a personal singular and plural pronoun I.

As for language features of epistemic modality transmission in popular science discourse, it is appropriate to analyze this aspect, comparing it with the scientific discourse. The object of study is of great interest for the popular science genre and the process of investigating it with profs and arguments. Another feature of the popularization of scientific knowledge is the extensive use of dialogue systems in popular scientific discourse. Dialogism of popular science discourse increases its degree of expressiveness.

Another variable component associated with the use of various means of information transfer, is the subject of the popular discourse. The change of topic is generally accompanied by some change in manner of teaching and the consumption of other (compared with the previous theme) of different linguistic levels. Thus the relationship of forms of teaching information content of the popular speech is one of the issues that deserve a great attention of a researcher.


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