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of L'viv Polytechnic National University

"Problems of Ukrainian Terminology"

¹ 869

Khyrivska H. Terms of pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical commodity as thematic groups of Ukrainian pharmaceutical terminology //  Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2017. – # 869.


Halyna Khyrivska

L'viv National Medical University


Terms of pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutic commodity research as thematic groups of Ukrainian pharmaceutical terminology


© Khyrivska H. P., 2017


The article is devoted to the study of pharmacoeconomical and pharmaceutical commodity research terminology. The structural features of terms of both thematical groups are studied from structurely.

Keywords: Ukrainian language, pharmaceutical terminology, thematical group, structure of term, terminology of pharmacoeconomic and pharmaceutical commodity research.


The article is devoted to the study of Ukrainian pharmacoeconomical and pharmaceutical commodity research terminology. The structural features of both thematic groups’ terms are studied structurally.

The article analyses 2 thematic groups of Ukrainian pharmaceutical terms. An overview of term characteristics of these selected groups is presented. The author does not intend to divide each of  analised thematic groups into subgroups, but only gives a general idea of these thematic groups of terms, but with their structural division. It is stated in the article that the terms of the pharmacological merchandizing provide information about commodity coding, marking, packing, assortment and transportation, commodity standardization, description of pharmaceutical commodity quality, processing of documents, and the terms of pharmacoeconomics provide information about methods of treatment with medications on the basis of complex analysis of results of their application and economic expenses.

In order to analyse the selected groups of pharmaceutical terms, the texts from specialized textbooks and dictionaries have been processed.

According to materials collected and processed while studying the sample groups of pharmaceutical terms, we have the following results.

During the study all the terms were immediately divided according to their structural models and it was established that the terms belonging to the aforementioned thematic groups are mostly multicomponent according to their structure. The highest percentage of phrasal terms is two- and three-component, less often it is four- and five-component, and in rare cases six-component ones.

As for terms, which include connectives and prepositions, they are based on different models; almost each of such term-phrases has an individual model. The examples of models are given in article.

The author emphasizes the fact that in the group of terms chosen for analysis, as well as in many other terminology groups of modern language, there is a tendency to multicomponent terms. It should be noted that there are very few one-word terms. It is also mentioned that it is a characteristic feature of the groups of terms studied in our article.

The practical value of the results obtained is the possibility of their use in the process of compiling dictionaries of pharmaceutical terms, which is essential, because the number of professional dictionaries of terms is very limited.

As a result of our research, we have come to the conclusion that pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical commodities terms occupy an important place in pharmaceutical terminology, because pharmaceutical commodities turnover would be impossible without them. The prospects of the investigation can be seen in a more detailed study of the thematic variety of pharmaceutical terms.


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