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of L'viv Polytechnic National University

"Problems of Ukrainian Terminology"

¹ 869

Nakonechna H., Voznyuk H. Somatic theological terms in the system of ukrainian popular botanical names: sociolinguistic aspect //  Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2017. – # 869.


Halyna Nakonechna


L'viv Polytechnic National University


Somatic theological terms IN the system of popular UKRAINIAN Botanical names: sociolinguistic aspect


© Nakonechna H. V., Voznyuk H. L., 2017


The article describes the Ukrainian national botanic names with somatic theological terms in their structure and their specific using in the world of the Christian outlook. The authors defined the area of spread of these units and lexical-semantic relations between them. The comparative analysis of these terms lets you outline a statistics and an importance of the terms with a Christian component in various regions of Ukraine, to find out their intrasystem homonymy.

Keywords: Ukrainian language, botanic terminology, somatic theological terms, dialect names, lexical-semantic relations, intrasystem homonymy.


A few dissertations, monographs, a number of articles in Ukrainian linguistics deal with the issue of botanical terminology [1;3;4;6;8;9;12]. There is also a fundamental lexicographical study of this branch terminology, which has become the main source base for our research [2]. Botanical names with theological terms, including the somatic ones, have not been an object of terminological study yet.

Topicality of the research stems from the fact that nowadays the processing of any branch terminology, and definitely as specific as botanical, certainly implies multivectorness, in particular, the involvement of lingual and cultural as well as  ethnic and  linguistic approaches.

The aim of this article is to identify the degree of fixation of the Christian worldview in the popular names of plants, since botanical vocabulary reflects the worldview of people at different stages of its historical development, to describe lexical semantic relations between such names.

Theological terms as a part of popular botanical terms may included in the following lexical-semantic groups: names of objects (e.g. êð³ñëî Ìàòåð³ Áîæî¿ [krislo Materi Bozhoyi]), names of constructions (e.g. áóäà àðîíîâà [buda aronova]), names of plants subspecies (e.g. òåðíÿ Õðèñòîâ³ [ternia Khrystovi]), names of products (e.g. ìàííà Áîæà [manna Bozha]), theological and ecclesiastical names (e.g. áëàãîäàòü Áîæà [blahodat’ Bozha]), natural phenomena (e.g. Áîæà ðîñà [Bozha rosa]), names of persons (e.g. àíãåëüö³ [anhel’tsi]).

Lexico-semantic group with somatic components is the most numerous. It includes the names of body in general (ò³ëî Áîæå [tilo Bozhe], ò³ëî Áîæî¿ Ìàòåð³ [tilo Bozhoyi Materi], ò³ëî Õðèñòîâå [tilo Khrystove]), as well as its parts: Õðèñòîâå îêî [Khrystove oko], î÷³ Áîæ³ [ochi Bozhi]; àäàìîâà ãîëîâà [adamova holova], ï’ÿòêà Áîæî¿ Ìàòåð³ [pyatka Bozhoyi Materi]; ðåáðî(à) Áîæî¿ Ìàòåð³ [rebro(a) Bozhoyi Materi], ðåáðî àäàìîâå [rebro adamove], ïàëüö³ (ïàëü÷èêè) Áîæ³ [pal’tsi (pal’chyky) Bozhi], ïàëüö³ Ïåòðîâ³ [pal’tsi Petrovi]; ðóêà (ðó÷êà(è)) Áîæà(³) [ruka (ruchka(y)) Bozha(i)], ðó÷êà Ïðåñâÿòî¿ Ä³âè [ruchka Presviatoyi Divy], ðó÷êè ïðå÷èñò³ [ruchky prechysti], ðó÷êè Õðèñòîâ³ [ruchky Khrystovi]; ñåðöå ²âàíîâå [sertse Ivanove]; êîñè Ìàòåð³ Áîæî¿ [kosy Materi Bozhoyi].

Anthropocentric perception of the plant world, its personification is a typical phenomenon of all ethnic cultures. We are interested not in somatisms in the names of plants in general, but rather in the specificity of using the names of body parts in the light of the Christian worldview.  

Conclusion: 1) popular Ukrainian botanical terminology captures such important stage in the history of the nation as the acceptance of Christianity; 2) the proportion of units with theological terms as components in the synonymic rows is relatively low; 3) the specified lexemes are used mostly in the Western Ukrainian dialects, partially – in the Central Ukrainian dialects, and rarely in the Southern and Eastern Ukrainian dialects; 4) a certain polarization is inherent in popular naming: along with the names of plants that are composed of Christian elements, synonyms with reduced stylistic colouring are used; 5) intrasystemic homonymy is a special feature of the mentioned terminological system.

Ukrainian botanical terminology, especially its popular part, requires a detailed study on all the terminological levels , since it is the source of specific vocabulary, structural and derivational models of terms formation, fixing the development of the people’s mentality.


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